
PositiveSSL Multi-Domain

PositiveSSL Multi-Domain SSL является одним из самых популярных в мире имеющий отличную совместимостью с MS Exchange

similar certificates
30$ per year
similar certificates

PositiveSSL Multi-Domain SSL является одним из самых популярных в мире имеющий отличную совместимостью с MS Exchange. PositiveSSL UCC / SAN SSL поставляется с высококачественной защитой и очень быстрым сроком выдачи. 256-битный сертификат уровня шифрования также имеет полную совместимость с браузером и выдается всего за три минуты. Каждый SSL сертификат имеет один основной домен (из CSR) и два дополнительных SAN; разрешено добавлять до 250 дополнительных доменов за дополнительную плату.

Не нужно отправлять какие-либо документы, так как никаких документов не требуется для проверки домена. Подтвердите право собственности на домен с помощью одного из доступных механизмов по электронной почте, HTTP-хеш-файлу или DNS CNAME. Процесс настолько быстр, что выданный SSL приходит через 3-5 минут после прохождения DCV (Проверка контроля домена).

SSL-сертификаты Sectigo работают с более чем 99,6% известных браузеров и мобильных устройств, не все поставщики SSL показывают одинаково высокие результаты. Логотип Free Site Seal поставляется с PositiveSSL, чтобы мгновенно показать посетителям, что сайт защищен и защищает их личные данные от хакеров и фишинговых атак. Компания Sectigo CA имеет отличную репутацию надежной компании.

Compatible with 99.3% browsers

Google Chrome 3+

Mozilla Firefox 1+

Safari 0+

Opera 7+

Microsoft Edge 0+

Features and characteristics of the certificate

It is not without reason that the range of SSL certificates is so large: multi-domain, covering all subdomains of a domain, for one domain, with extended or quick verification, for protecting software, or maybe you want a green bar in your browser?

Certificate for one domain name

Validation - domain

128/256-bit encryption capability

License for an unlimited number of servers

Browser compatibility - 99.3%

Free certificate reissuance

Displays the SiteSeal seal

Money back guarantee - 30 days

Certificate is verified with a 2048-bit signature

Certificate is insured for $ 10,000

Free hacker guardian vulnerability scan

Does not apply to subdomains

Free technical support 24/7

Free technical support 24/7

Usable for online stores

Frequently Asked Questions about SSL certificates

You have questions? We have already answered them.
What is an SSL certificate?

SSL certificates are designed for site security, namely the secure transfer of data between the client and the site. It usually works over the HTTPS protocol, which serves to protect data and guarantees the user to receive exactly the site data that he requests without the possibility of traffic spoofing.
An important point of certificates is the ability to support subdomains, such certificates are called wildcard and are more expensive, while the free Let's Encrypt certificate supports subdomains.

What are the types of SSL certificates?

SSL certificates are both paid and free. Paid certificates are issued for a year or more, and also guarantee payment of compensation in case of data leakage, in the case of free certificates, no compensation is provided. Certificates are also divided according to their type: DV - Domain Validation - with domain confirmation, OV - Organization Validation - with organization and domain confirmation, EV - Extended Validation - for extended organization and domain confirmation.

Which certificate to choose for the site?

If you have a website that represents a blog or a business card site, it would be a great solution to put a free certificate or a certificate with domain validation (DV). OV type certificates are recommended to be installed on social networks, large online stores and corporate sites, that is, where payment information and confidential user data are used in order to ensure the protection of these same data. If you have a website that represents a bank, a corporation, a company that is engaged in insurance or financial transactions, we recommend an EV extended confirmation certificate, such certificates are issued only to legal entities where, when issuing, the certification authority checks all the data about the company and then issues a certificate.

How to order an SSL certificate?

To order, you need to go to the SSL certificates page, select the required certificate and follow the prompts of the system. At the second stage of the order, generate a CSR code and save the private key, as you will need it when installing the certificate. Specify the domain mail for certificate verification, as an email will be sent to it after payment. After completing the entire procedure, you will receive the certificate files to your contact mail.

How to install a certificate on hosting?

If you use the DirectAdmin panel - in the "Account Management" section, go to "SSL Certificates". Check the box "Insert a pre-generated certificate and key" and enter the key and the certificate itself in the indicated fields, then save. The changes will take effect within a couple of minutes.
If you use the cPanel control panel - to install the certificate, go to the "SSL/TLS" section, then click on the "Manage SSL sites.", scroll the page below, in the "Domain" drop-down list, select the site for which you want to install the certificate, write down the key, certificate and chain of certificates and click the "Install certificate" button for the changes to take effect.

What is the validity period of the certificate?

Free certificates from Let's Encrypt have a validity period of 3 months and will be updated on the hosting automatically for your site. Paid certificates are valid for one year and must be manually renewed.

How to renew an existing certificate?

If you use a free Let's Encrypt certificate on hosting, it will automatically renew. We recommend that you renew the paid certificates that you purchased from us at least 14 days before the expiration date, since the certificate authority does not allow you to renew them later. "Renew" and pay the bill.

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